--> ...su1c1daL---th0ughtS...'s Journal - 22nd February '05
03:12am 22/02/2005
mood: cranky
music: none
4 members now..
::choose your destiny::
05:42am 22/02/2005
  Hey people. I am the owner of this asylum but I changed my screen name awhile back and no one joined so I gave up. But now that ya'll are actually here..My old name toxic_dysph0ria is permantely deleted BUT I have an asylum on THIS name that is for dark poetry and what not. But also if you need to vent or someone to talk to..feel free to join. This asylum wont be up anymore..so Im really sorry for the inconvenience..hopefully I'll see ya'll at my other one. Heres the address:: http://www.insanejournal.com/asylum/_tongueofpoetry/  
[3] ::suicide s:: ::choose your destiny::