July 2020

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July 21st, 2015

[info]greatambitions in [info]lykoi


We're not going to make a massive rules post, but please keep in mind that the basic rules that apply to games apply here. Activity, line crossing, realism, god-modding, etc. We all know how to be courteous to each other and that's really all we ask. There are no set rules on activity, but be active! We'll check in if you've fallen inactive and if there's still no response after that, you'll be removed from the GPSL, you character possibly even killed off. If you'd like to be removed, but do not want your character killed off, please let us know. We're not going to stop you from carrying out any huge plot point, but please be sure to address said plot with the writer of any character it might affect.

JOINING - There is no application process to join us. All we ask is first of all, to make sure your PB is open in the cast list if you have not placed a hold and please keep realism in mind when selecting your PB and character rank. Journals may be IC or OOC. You will need an IC post and an OOC post in your journal along with a blurb on your character including their name, age, whether they are bitten or born, and the pack they're associated with along with their rank/position in that pack. Please also be sure to have worked out at least one connection with another character. You are welcome to utilize our plot post here. Once you have all of the above, simply request to join this community. We will add new members as quickly as possible.

**Please note, there is now a cap on characters with relatives that have been killed by the Keystone takeover. The Keystone pack has no more than 40-50 members, probably less, and only a very small handful would have laid down their lives for their alpha.**

Threads may take place either in journals, or in this community, but they must be friends locked if in the community. We're keeping things as tight-knit as we can so as to avoid growing to the size of a full game. IC posts will be made in journals and if you need to make an OOC post, please also do so in your journal with an indicator that the post is OOC.

If you have any questions, please comment here! Comments are not screened so that more than just myself can view them, but if you need to inquire on something in private, you are welcome to send a PM. If you opt for the latter, please be sure to comment whoever you have sent it to so we know to look for it.