June 2010

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May 29th, 2010

[info]froux in [info]luxlines

Oi vey. I apologize for my belated arrival, but it seems as I've ran into a road block with family issues. Hopefully it'll reside soon, and I'll be here in full force. For now, expect delays with responses.

I'm Shadrick, bringing in Faust Roux (pb Mark Strong) as Head of Security. He's a long time partner in crime friend of Mr. Dalton, and who knows what sort of trouble they'll be involved in, now.

If you need to contact me, by all means, you can reach me at rouxumbrage on aim. How about lines? I love lines. And plots. Mmm, plots. DALTON, WHERE ARE YOU?

[info]nateba in [info]luxlines

Hai everyone! My name's Bec, and I'm in the process of writing up this handsome guy here ;)

His name is Nate Balter, and he's from Australia. He's been travelling around and about America for the past year while he gets his head sorted out after witnessing the horrors of Black Saturday a year ago, and for now he's decided to settle in Seychelles as a Firefighter! He's a pretty mellow kind of guy, level-headed and softly spoken (unless football is involved! And that's AFL by the way, not that soccer crap or the American version). There's more in his bio in his journal if you want to take a look. It's not finished! But it's close :) He's done!! And App'd!! And pending ... ;) hehehe

I was just wondering if anyone felt like bringing in one of his sisters or his older brother as well? I imagine the girls as a little less put-together than Nate is. Maybe flighty, one of those stereotypical blondes? Both girls probably thought all this travelling he's been doing sounds like a HUGE adventure, and so they could have flown out here to check out his new digs and enjoy being spontaneous and freeeee. As for his brother, I reckon he'd be even more relaxed than Nate is (if that's possible!! Haha) since he was more of the 'rock' in their little family. He and Nate are the closest in the family, and I think maybe he would have followed him here just to check up on his little brother, and make sure he's coping ok? I don't have any PBs or names or even ages in mind, so feel free to go wild!

So HI and if any of you want to plot or work out something about his siblings then just post here, or in the OOC post in Nate's journal. I don't have AIM - sorry bubs!