June 2010

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April 1st, 2010

[info]mmolly in [info]luxlines

So I'm thinking of bringing someone here... Kristen Stewart, Emilie De Ravin, or the lovely Kate Voegle in my icon... who would be wanted most? i can fill lines too!

[info]ex_agony260 in [info]luxlines

I was directed towards this place and it seems interesting!
I'd like to join as either channing tatum or mark salling, would either of those be wanted for anything specific? I'm open to all ideas!

[info]vonnkel in [info]luxlines

Alright. Since my OOC post on the other comm got spammed with Garrett Hedlund icons (;P Just kidding, Katie ♥) .. I'm going to make a quick post here. Here's the new girl. The force is strong with this one. It really is. So, what I've got in my head so far for her is. Her name's Siobhan Kelly (PB: Ali Larter), though she goes by 'Vonn,' she's thirty-two, and she is very opinionated, blunt, bitchy. She's probably like Cat in that way, except Vonn is a little more level-headed. Honestly, I'm stuck on jobs, although .. helicopter tour guide, firefighter, maaaybe even security guard, are the ones that kind of make her perk up in my head. I was considering putting a military spin on her .. like something like she just got out and this is her R&R before getting back to the real world. But, not sure I'm going to go with that. I guess the only other thing I have is that she's impatient, strong-willed, and has a very high pain/fear threshold.

With that being said .. I know I said I'd be willing to plot things with Katie re: [info]mrinaldi, so I wasn't sure if you wanted to just have them interact in game, or if there were any friends or something back home that Siobhan might fit. And, the same goes with anyone else who reads this description and doesn't think damn! that chick's gonna eat me alive ... haha. Or, you know. If anyone that reads the description thinks it would be fun to have an old friend show up.

Anyway, I plan on working on her over the next few days and figured I'd throw this up just in case. Aaaand that's what I've got.