The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 16th, 2009

December 16th, 2009

Art: 1979, for westernredcedar

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Title: 1979, for westernredcedar

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Prompt: A portrait or scene of the boys as young men, after Hogwarts but before the end of the First War. If possible, I'd love a pic of a secret rendezvous at this time. Possibly you could consider it an illustration for my fic 1979.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13) - mildly NWS

Notes: Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

Story: Orange Skies Ahead, for nimrod-9

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Title: Orange Skies Ahead, for nimrod-9

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: With Hogwarts in shambles, the desks eating students, the silverware staging a revolt, Headmaster Snape has to hire Curse-Breaker Lupin to clean out the Room of Requirement. But a mistake in their past threatens their new relationship, and soon there will be new decisions to factors that don't involve transfiguring the tapestries.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Notes: MPREG. Thanks for that someone's hand-holding, and nimrod_9, who gives the BEST PROMPTS. I only wish I did them justice.

Word count: 12599
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