The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 5th, 2009

August 5th, 2009

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A short ficlet I wrote for hpcon_envy when everyone was in San Francisco last month.  It was for [info]firefly124 her prompt was severus/remus, tangled web and zen. Rated NC/17.

Here at my journal.

Mid-week round-up!

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The Rec Event has gotten off to an excellent start! If you're interested in participating in the Rec Event this month, there are still open days, and we can always double up on dates if there's enough interest. More info and the sign-up calendar are here on IJ and here on LJ.

The tag for the August Rec Event is "project: august 09 rec event" at both LJ and IJ; you can click the "edit tag" button and choose it from the list after you post your entry or type it in manually if your LJ posting client has a tag option. If you're looking for recs posted over the course of the month, you can use the tag to see what you've missed.

Rec Round-Up:
Nimrod-9: here
Nehalenia: here
Lore: here
Ellid: here

And in case you missed it over the weekend, the rules for Snupin Santa 2009 have been posted here on IJ and here on LJ.
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