The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 14th, 2009

July 14th, 2009

Zine reminder, DW codes, reminders, personal notes

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All righty, gang! It's a week from the final deadline for Chocolate and Asphodel 2, which is Monday, July 20. I hope all the fics I've heard of in the works come in, but we seem to be very short on art. The email address to submit is ssrlzine @ (no spaces) - there's more submission guidelines on the main post linked above.

Authors, please try to send us Rich Text. That is pretty much the opposite of HTML - we want everything formatted in Word or some other word processing program with actual italics and boldface in the document. And everyone, please don't forget to include a bio when you submit. Thanks, all!

I had a member ask me if anyone around here would want Dreamwidth invite codes. There is a Lupin_Snape on DW, and I have been cross-posting all mod posts there, and I know several people have been cross-posting their creative works as well.

So, if you've been interested in DW or have invites burning a hole in your account, reply to this message either with codes or requests. I have tons of codes myself, so don't be shy, we'll get everyone who wants a DW account hooked up.

Don't forget we have Retro Fest going on until the end of the month, as well as the theme search, which this month is a catch-up month, or a second chance to add stories that fit the old themes' criteria.

Some personal notes )

All of this means that I'll be leaving you in McKay's capable hands for August - a good time to do it since [info]snupin_santa sign-ups come toward the end!

I know I also say this all the time, but I just can't help it - you guys make this place such a good, happy place to be online. I treasure you while you're here and miss you when you're gone, because the members who come through here are some of the finest people ever to have touched a keyboard. And I thank you all for that! Oh, and hug you, too. *HUGS*

love, lore

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Title: A Hogwarts Christmas Carol.
Author: MrsCake_akaJane
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, just the situations in which I'm placing them.
Summary: The first Christmas after the war. Snape is his usual bastard self, but the powers that be decide that it must stop now. They will use every power they can to make the dower man see sence. What will Snape see through the eyes of the spirits?

A Hogwarts Christmas Carol Chapter Three )

Unconscious Tactics - Part Seven (PG)

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Unconscious Tactics

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: This story takes place in an alternate reality where Remus’ spine is a bit stiffer, Severus’ heart a bit tender, and they see something about the other that makes it worthwhile.
Challenge: lupin_snape RetroFest 2009, Prompt #6 (see inside for full prompt).
Word Count: Part Seven: 1,224
Genre: Alternate Reality; Romance; Angst; Humor
Warnings: A Wee Bit of Swearing
Highlight for Warnings: * *
A/N: To entice those who where looking for more...something to tide you over for a day or two!

Part One – Change of Perspective {} Part Two – Spy Troubles {} Part Three – Unexpected Kindness
Part Four – Sharing the Pain {} Part Five – Avoiding the Auror {} Part Six – Two Beating Hearts

Tangled plots are unraveling and there's a Grim in the house! )

Unconscious Tactics - Part Eight (PG)

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Unconscious Tactics

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: This story takes place in an alternate reality where Remus’ spine is a bit stiffer, Severus’ heart a bit tender, and they see something about the other that makes it worthwhile.
Challenge: lupin_snape RetroFest 2009, Prompt #6 (see inside for full prompt).
Word Count: Part Eight: 1,264
Genre: Alternate Reality; Romance; Angst; Humor
Warnings: None
A/N: Hope this helps with the cravings my kind (commenting) readers have had for this story! More in a bit...

Part One – Change of Perspective {} Part Two – Spy Troubles {} Part Three – Unexpected Kindness
Part Four – Sharing the Pain {} Part Five – Avoiding the Auror {} Part Six – Two Beating Hearts
Part Seven – Grim Tidings {}

When something goes bump in the Black house, wizards should be suspicious. )
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