The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 19th, 2009

June 19th, 2009

(2 sketches) "I'll Blame You in a Minute" and "Go on, I'm listening" (NWS)

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Uhh...I might have gone overboard in my Porn Battle entries, but I did 2 very quick sketches of Lupin/Snape.

Both links will take you to an art dump post with two other Not-Work-Safe arts from different fandoms. Tread with care and don't forget the lube. ;)

Title: "I'll Blame You in a Minute"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Rating: NC-17/NWS
Notes: for the prompt "accident" (for Porn Battle 8)
Disclaimer: Characters and their kinks are not mine.
Warnings: Semi-nakedness.

...any second now.

Title: "Go on, I'm listening"
Artist: [info]osmalic
Rating: NC-17/NWS
Notes: for the prompt "colleagues" (for Porn Battle 8)
Disclaimer: Characters and their kinks are not mine.
Warnings: Suggested naughtiness.

That's interesting, go on, please.

Own Fic Fest

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As usual, I am letting you know about something cool going on with little time to sign-up. I know, bad mod, no biscuit! ~_^

Anyway, there's an OwnFicFest starting on Livejournal. The concept is that you offer up 4 of your existing plot bunnies, people will vote and you will receive one of your own plot bunnies back to finally write, once and for all. I think it's a neat concept, and you can squeeze it in between some of the other activities here. Deadline to sign-up is June 20 (tomorrow!).

I only wish the runners had adapted it for artists as well, because I know many of you have partially-finished pieces on your hard drives, just waiting for a good excuse to finish them!

...Then again, don't forget that the Chocolate and Asphodel 2 deadline is fast approaching, and that our Retro Fest is the ongoing challenge for June and July. ~_^

love, lore

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Title: What If Part Three
Author: MrsCake_akaJane
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Warnings: What Snape and Lupin do after they read the mysterious e-mail
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, just the situations in which I'm placing them.

Parts One and Two can be found in my profile

What If Part Three )

What If Part Four

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Title: What If Part four
Author: MrsCake_akaJane
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Warnings: The e-mails contiune and things start to get hotter
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters, just the situations in which I'm placing them.

Parts One and Two can be found in my profile

What If Part Four )
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