The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 7th, 2009

June 7th, 2009

Thematic List: May

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The thematic list for May has been compiled: threesome: Severus/Remus/Harry. It has also been added to the Thematic Lists page on the Snape/Lupin wiki.

The Porn Battle - It's Started

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I'm just posting a reminder about the Porn Battle at Dreamwidth :) It's now ongoing.

There are other HP prompts here, but these are the Snupin ones below.

Lupin/Snape, colleagues, moon, spite, alpha, wolfsbane, frottage, molasses, Dover, legilimency, emu, tea, vampire, time-turner, patronus, youth, accident, Teddy

Remus/Severus, desire, solace

Remus/Severus/Sirius, veil, mirror, spine, centering, field, forgiveness, touch

It's a multi -fandom battle. The idea is to write or draw as much comment porn as you can in about a week.

If these prompts inspire you, then you can leave a comment fic (up to around 2,700 words) or srt here by early Monday afternoon before the battle closes. Again, I have a few Dreamwidth codes available for the asking should anyone wish to start a journal there, but commenting can be done by Open ID.
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