The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 3rd, 2009

June 3rd, 2009

The Porn Battle - It's On!

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This is posted with permission from lore.

I just wanted to let you all know about the Porn Battle. If you're familiar with it, it's back right now. Prompts, which are just a word, can be left up until early Friday night, so that's roughly another 2 days. Then, starting on Sunday, there's a week to choose prompts and write fics. Prompters don’t have to write a fic themselves. I know a lot of Snupin shippers are really busy but I thought maybe it wouldn't hurt to put the word out. More Snupin porn is a good thing, right?

For example, here are my prompts (including other ships and old fandoms) -

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Spike/Drusilla, lust, wicked

Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, obsession, want
Harry Potter, Harry/Luna, comfort, vision(s)
Harry Potter, Neville/Ginny, bound, loved
Harry Potter, Neville/Luna, dream(s), trust
Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, faith, safety
Harry Potter, Severus/Remus, desire, solace
Harry Potter, Severus/Remus/Sirius, forgiveness, touch
Harry Potter, Severus/Sirius, hands, understanding

X-Men(Movieverse), Logan(Wolverine)/Ororo(Storm), midnight, need

You can leave prompts anonymously, or with Open ID. I do have three Dreamwidth codes available. If you'd like one and will use it, PM me.

Please stop by there, read the rules, and then leave some Snupin and HP prompts for people to write. You know want to ...

Wanna hang in chat?

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I'm going to be there mostly the night working on some stuffs.

Chocolate & Asphodel 2, Deadline July 1

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The deadline to submit to Chocolate & Asphodel 2 is fast approaching - July 1!

The informational post for C&A2 is here, but you must be logged in to see it. We are taking stories and art for the project, and as I stressed in the info post, early birds definitely receive perks, such as notes and beta. If you wait until July1, it will come down to an instant Yes or No on your work. A few new-to-Snupin writers have already turned in stories, which is a great way to make sure their work is given longer consideration.

If you are an artist on BLU and are running into time crunches, send me a note and we'll talk. Everyone else, if you have any questions, you are welcome to email me at the mod email. Meanwhile, feel free to spread the word and use any of the icons or banners below, which were made by [info]karasu_hime from her art in the first C&A.

Icons and Banners under here )

Remember, the Retro Fest runs until the end of July, so you can still do both!

love, lore
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