The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 22nd, 2009

March 22nd, 2009

BLU Reminders!

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Artists, there's stories and a sign-up post over in [info]snupin that you should be sure to check out. We're using the two early stories we have as a way to get the artist party started! If you're an artist and haven't signed up yet, now's the time to jump in!

Authors, I've asked you all to check in at [info]snape_lupin. If you missed the post, you should go over there to reply.

Authors Working In Sekrit(tm), remember, the sign-up deadline and first-draft deadline are both April 30! If you're not officially signed up, but toiling away in secret, consider this your reminder.

If you don't know what BLU is, you should check out the original BLU post. There's still time to jump in on this project! Thanks, everyone!

love, lore
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