The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 16th, 2009

March 16th, 2009

Art: It Matters, G

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Title: It Matters
Rating: PG
Pairing: SS/RL
A/N: Let me try to explain, [info]westernredcedar prompted me with "spy" for a Snupin, first war pic and this is the result... uh, not my fault that the image that came to mind was of one of the duo's secret meetings, 'cause they'd just have to meet.

it's here

PS: Happy Bday, Remus! I hope to have a very belated something for you this week. :)

Fic: Red Serpent (5/12)

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Title: Red Serpent (5/12)
Author/Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Rating: R
Warnings: death, destruction, sex, violence, torture and a gratuitous explosion or two. Yikes.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associated characters belong to JK Rowling. James Bond was created by Ian Fleming.
Word Count: 2779 (31881 overall)
Summary: Remus Lupin is a spy, one of British Intelligence's finest, and this may be his most deadly mission yet. Armed with only his native wit and courage and assisted by the enigmatic and magnetic Severus Snape he must penetrate deep into Communist Russia to bring down the powerful Lord Voldemort.
A/n: This fic contains illustrations, set in the appropriate places within the text. Love to [info]drachenmina for the fabulous beta.
Chapter One: M's Man - Chapter Two: A Bar With A Reputation - Chapter Three: Dinner For Two - Chapter Four: Small Spaces and Close Encounters

( Chapter Five: The Howl Of The Wolf )
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