The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 3rd, 2009

February 3rd, 2009

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Snupin Meet up at Gulf Wars:

I noticed from the comments to [info]skree_ratling’s wonderful fic Once Upon a War for [info]ellid that a few of us Snupin fans are involved in the S.C.A.
How many of us are going to be at Gulf Wars in March? Anyone want to do a Snupin meetup? I can be found in the Merchant’s area in the Munitions Grade Arms pavilion. This is a large marquee with lots of rattan in it. Mr. SG sells the stuff. I have yarn and mundane knitting patterns for sale in our tent. We have been referred to as “that rattan place with all the yarn”

Hope to meet someone there.
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