The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 1st, 2009

January 1st, 2009

January Theme Search!

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I'd like to take a moment to introduce some of our RL/SS resources to newcomers to the community and provide a reminder about the resources to oldtimers.

Resource List )

How This Works:
I'll determine what the theme is by drawing a theme randomly out of my King Kong trading card tin; the suggested prompts are from a long-ago poll, and when the number of suggestions dwindles enough, I'll open a new poll for new theme list suggestions.

How This Works cont. )

The December theme search is officially CLOSED.


legilimens update

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Mmph, finally came up with two new ones. Goodness, but Snupin Santa keeps us busy.

Title: Full Moon
Summary: Snape decides to continue his study on the Wolfsbane Potion and asks for Lupin's help. It's all in the name of research, truly.

( Off with your clothes. )

Title: Morning After
Summary: One would expect waking up in the bed of one's beloved is a good thing. Not so for one Severus Snape.

( Was it good for you? )

Poll Prize!

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As a little extra incentive, [info]lore and I have decided to offer a prize to the person who has the most correct guesses in the Snupin Santa guessing poll.

The prize will be a choice of

1) a gift certificate for LJ or IJ
2) a RL/SS ficlet from either me or [info]lore based on a prompt you provide

If any artist would like to volunteer, we could offer a third option for a sketch based on a prompt!

And if any other author would like to volunteer, we can broaden the choice pool there as well. ;)
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