The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 6th, 2008

December 6th, 2008

Story: Then Again, Maybe "I Do", for snapesgirl_62

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Then Again, Maybe "I Do", for [info]snapesgirl
Rated: PG
Summary: Remus and Severus are getting married during a major holiday--for very different reasons. (Also, they find out that Hermione Granger is a zealous and alarming wedding planner.)
Word count: 5687

Story: Bridge to Nowhere, for little_iago

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Bridge to Nowhere, for [info]little_iago
Rated: NC17
Summary: During the first war, Lupin and Snape work together to save the innocent from Lord Voldemort. Along the way, they struggle to gain a trusted connection between each other.
Warnings: Character death
Word count: 19921

Story: Blood Moon, for marauderswolf

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Blood Moon, for [info]marauderswolf
Rated: NC17
Warnings: Character death, violence, gore
Summary: Prompt: "Being a werewolf, the moon is a strong influence on Remus. It is something that controls a part of his life. How does the moon affect Severus? What are his thoughts? Idea: Describe the transformation and the aftermath/"morning after" from both of their perspectives. Pre-Wolfsbane-era, post-Wolfsbane-era you choose."
Word count: 12796

Snupin Santa recs note

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Newsletters, please do not link.

Thanks for everyone who has offered recs! It's been really helpful, and I appreciate it, especially since I was able to send off the first batch of Snupin Santa recs today. The rec posts are still open here on IJ and here on LJ.

However, I wanted to make one thing clear: Leaving feedback in order to throw people off the scent of whether it's your work or not is fine, but if you write a rec for your own story/art and submit it to me, I will not count it as one of the three required recs for the Daily Snitch newsletter.

Snupin Santa again

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Sorry to spam the comm, but before I get more questions about this:

NO, the three most recent stories appearing on the main page of the Snupin Santa site that have names attached are NOT from this year's fest. They're stories from previous years that are being worked on, which is why they're appearing as "recent" even though they really aren't.

Sorry, but no one is getting a sneak peek at who's written what. ;)
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