The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 26th, 2008

September 26th, 2008

Fic search....

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I am sorry to bother you with a fic search but I am looking for months now for a very old fic that must be somewhere in Moonshadow (I think) but where… I don’t know the author nor the title.

Thank you in advance for your help!!!

Family Fest Fic: Turbulence, chapter 2

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Title: Turbulence (chapter 2/?)
Author: [info]firefly124
Rating: PG
Challenge: Family Fest
Word Count: ~3300 this part
Summary: Remus wasn’t the only one to turn to someone else for comfort during the late war, and Severus has only just learned that he has a sixteen-year-old daughter. Teddy is excited about his new "sister," but Rose is decidedly unhappy with the situation.
Disclaimer: Not mine. JKR’s.
Warnings: AU. Inconvenient deaths not explicitly explained away and epilogue somewhat disregarded due to next generation ages being tweaked to fit.
A/N: Sorry for the long delay! Thanks to [info]ubiquirk for beta-reading and [info]saracen77 for Brit-picking.

Chapter 1

Turbulence Chapter 2 )
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