The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 22nd, 2008

September 22nd, 2008


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Just a quick reminder that the search for new additions to the Snupin Library will end on September 30. Details on what we're looking for are here on Insanejournal and here on Livejournal.

As a side note, the new layout on has screwed up my tagging system for the Library, so if you want to search the Library by genre, you need to expand the Tag Bundles, then expand "Genre" by clicking the little arrow next to it. That will give you a complete list of genres (pwp, dark fic, hurt/comfort, etc) so you can see what's available.

You can also search the library with Author and Rating tags.

I'd strongly suggest collapsing the "All Tags" section and navigating by Tag Bundles, since that will be easier and more organized to view.
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