The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 19th, 2008

August 19th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Prompt: Art: Untitled, pg-13?

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Title: Untitled
Artist: Serpenscript
Rating: PG-13 for Crossdressing?
Pairing(s)/character(s): Lupin and Snape
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 08
Prompt: short art prompt - Snape and Lupin in Japan
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Warnings: Heavy reliance on anime images, crossover, cross dressing, shmoopy angst?
Notes:I feel horribly afraid posting this right after ships_harry (her artwork is so smooth and vivid!), but it's almost 5 am - I started this around 9 pm, so it's definitely not a 'short' art prompt anymore - and I want to sleep and if I don't post now I'll forget to later >_< Cookies to anyone (who doesn't frequent chat and so didnt' hear me say so!) who knows what it's a crossover with :)

I did a larger lineart piece, and then colored one portion of it. If someone wants to write something on it, I've a kissing scene I may have to draw and color as well, to go along! *g*

Linked for Size.

Full Picture


First Fanart done in Photoshop! I've been working hard to learn to use it, these past few weeks :)

Fantasy Fest Entry 2: The Kiss

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Title: The Kiss
Artist: Karasu_hime
Rating: G
Prompt: R kissing S, based on Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss"
Artist Note: I hope you don't mind the liberties, I took! HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kiss )

Fic: Acceptance

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Title: Acceptance
: [info]drachenmina
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~23,500
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
[info]snapedom Summer Fest fic for the very talented [info]zephre based on her (NWS) artwork (linked at end so as not to spoil)
Summary: At school, their relationship failed because of Remus’ need for his friends’ acceptance. Twenty years on, will it be scuppered by Severus’ inability to accept Moony?
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended
Warnings: Underage: Severus and Remus are 15 in flashbacks. Werewolf!sex, aka bestiality.


FANTASY FEST: ART: His Favourite Pastime, G

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Title: His Favourite Pastime
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/character(s): Lupin and Snape
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 08
Summary: For the prompt: S in his lab, with warm afternoon sunlight streaming in a dusty window; R is watching from the doorway behind him
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Warnings: Only that I failed on getting the dusty window done and the finish is a bit haphazard :(. There is a window... there is also craaaazy perspective.
Notes: I couldn't resist such a wonderfully visual prompt :). Whoever you are, you grabbed my brain with pointy nails and hung on; I think that even while I was making the short-list of prompts I wanted, I knew I was probably going to pick this one. There aren't as many details in the pic as I wanted, but I ran out of time; I do apologise for that and other flaws. Title is meant to apply to both of them :).

Worksafe picture )
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