The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 10th, 2008

August 10th, 2008

Art: The Primal Dance, PG13

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Title: The Primal Dance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: [info]arionrhod also won my LiveLongNMarry offer and she asked for a illustration for her and McKay's story, Paso Doble, actually of chapter 21. Here it is! :D
A/N: Er, the colors are cold but I'm hoping the action is warm...

The Primal Dance )

Fantasy Fest Long Art Prompt #20: The Ugly Duckling and Swan Lake

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Title: The Ugly Duckling and Swan Lake (yup, two for the price of one!)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters. No one owns the Ugly Duckling (except possibly Hans Christian Anderson?) and Tchaikovsky's hardly going to sue from beyond the grave, bless the old fairy.
Prompt: 20 -- g-rated prompt: S is the ugly duckling that becomes a lovely swan when the enchantment is broken by a kiss from R. could also go with a Swan Lake motif, again with S as swan and R as prince

( You're a very fine swan indeed )

Important FF note - Read it! + Candid Captions!

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Before the fun, an important note: I've decided to take down the unclaimed long prompts for claiming in the Fantasy Fest post on August 15, the same day sign-ups for [info]snupin_santa start. This is so people can reuse their fantasy fest prompts for SS, if they wish. If you are interested in claiming a long prompt in either art or fiction, you must do so before August 15. The short prompts will remain open until the end of the month. Thanks! I hope everyone can understand why I made this change. :)

If you don't know what Candid Captions is, click the link to find out! You're welcome to add new captions at any time.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a caption for the picture under the cut. Please keep your caption Lupin/Snape focused in some way, but be as wild and creative as you like! As always, you can use the cut-tag for inspiration.

Can You Hear Me Now? )

Have fun! ETA: I almost forgot - thanks to [info]geri_chan for the idea for this CC! *HUGS*

love, lore
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