The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 28th, 2008

July 28th, 2008

Update: Purgatory ~ 4/?

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Yes, yes, it's taken me forever :(

Title: Purgatory
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Pairings: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew/Sirius Black
Warnings: Suicide, abuse, DH-SPOILERS!!!
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling and her publishers, no money is being made.
Summary Snape has passed on to the afterlife, but what awaits him isn’t pleasant. Even in death, he can’t leave old grudges, bitterness and obsessive love behind, thus sentencing himself to an existence in pain and regret. He’ll have to learn the hard way – and just maybe, a dead werewolf can be of assistance.

Chapter 01, Chapter 02, Chapter 03

( Chapter 04 )

ART: HP sketch dump, PG13-NC17/NWS

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I posted my sketch dump over at my journal, which is a compilation of ancient sketches of Harry Potter. Because I have been obsessing over the Lupin/Snape pairing SINCE 2000 (I have no life), there are more RL/SS art. There's one gen!Marauders though, but you can skip right through it. Also, somewhere, there is voyeur!Lily.

Title: HP sketch dump (5 HP art)
Author/Artist: [info]osmalic
Rating: NC-17/Not Work Safe
Pairing/characters: Snape/Lupins, with one gen art of the Marauders, and there's also one where there's voyeur!Lily
Disclaimer: Not my characters, and the art is purely from my overactive imagination. JKR owns all characters.
Warnings: Some hand-jobs and what may look like non-con with voyeur!Lily at one part. Take caution. Especially of old and decript sketching styles. :D
Notes: Yup. It's a dump. With rant. Beware.

iamisaac - provoking the wolf

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For: [info]snapelike
Prompt:I want... Snape! And Lupin! Werewolf bonding, and a vuuurrrrry demanding Lupin, a not entirely nice one (one who's still in lurve with Sevvie, mind). Or a Snape who researches werewolf bonds and lures Lupin into one - not entirely unwilling.
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: R
Word Count: ~2000

Provoking the Wolf )
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