The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

June 3rd, 2008

June 3rd, 2008

As Long ... "Art", PG

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Title: As Long...
Rating: PG (I think, a sanity warning is appropriate)
Summary: Oh yes, Dark Side ... or not. It's a Dark AU where Snape remains loyal to Voldemort ... but why?

A quick drawble that I couldn't not do because I have no sense.

I am so, so sorry. Blame the BBC and their addictive programmes.

(The hurdy-gurdy can still be heard outside and is interrupted by the first chord of the song.) Spread chord, FCADGCDG...

FIC: 1979 (LMoM 2008, Remus/Severus, NC-17)

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Hi all!
I have put all 31 parts of my Snupin [info]pervy_werewolf Lusty Month of May fic together into one file, so that it can be easily read as one story. And here it is, archived over at Moonshadow! Whee!

Title: 1979
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Summary: 1979 ~ One of the worst years of Remus's life. Also, one of the best.
Pairings: Remus/Severus (overall), Remus/Sirius, Remus/James, Remus/several others
Rated: NC-17
Length: ~44,000
Warnings: Varies throughout, but at times: Canon character death, dub-con, threesomes, cheating, dark themes
Notes: I owe a year's worth of gin and tonics to [info]blpaintchart, who betaed this every day for a month. She provided me with endless inspiration, ideas, support, 1979 British cultural context, and taught me the word "plonker." She's the best. *kiss*

If you would rather read it in its original context, this link will take you to Day #31, which has links to each day.
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