The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

May 9th, 2008

May 9th, 2008

"Placet" update

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An unexpected plot-terrier seized me by the heel this morning. I'd meant to treat myself to a cupcake, but instead, I wrote Oh Don't Deceive Me, Oh Never Leave Me (400 words, G, RL/SS, AU). I hope some of you find it pleasing.

Shall we dance?

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Yo. It's currently 2:40 or so EST, and I'll be in the chat room for a bit while I doodle and perhaps work on the Dark challenge. If anyone feels like chatting or helping brainstorm ideas (whether for the Dark Fest or anything else), please come join. IRC info in the sidebar, for any who are unfamiliar.

Dark Side Challenge: The Secret Diary of Severus Snape, Aged Fifteen and Three-Quarters

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Title: The Secret Diary of Severus Snape, Aged Fifteen and Three-Quarters.
: [info]drachenmina
Rating: R
Word Count: ~1,600
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus/Remus, Marauders, Lily Evans.
Challenge: Dark Side prompt: Broomstick (I didn’t use it a lot, but I think many of you will agree I used it wisely…)
Summary: Severus wants to get close to Remus. But his friends keep getting in the way…
Disclaimer: Bloody hell, do I disclaim.
Warnings: Crack. Yep, Dark!crack. Again. Character deaths (lots of ‘em, oh yes indeedy. But hey, at least no one gets eaten… oh. Bugger). Wanking, object insertion.
AN: This is the second of my responses to this prompt (the first was To Soar, Unfettered). Huge thanks for the beta to the lovely [info]blpaintchart. I have my suspicions this was more her cup of tea than the last...

The Secret Diary of Severus Snape, aged fifteen and three-quarters

Art: Birth of a Misunderstanding (page 5)

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Title: Birth of a Misunderstanding --Page 5
Artist: Omni (me--lj username=rip_von_christ)
Rating: PG(13?)-ish for implied things
Summary: Scene from [info]arionrhod and [info]scribbulus_ink's "Better to Copulate than Never". Over all this comic will end up depicting the practice kiss scene, starting from the time Remus is walking in the hall towards Severus' workroom.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. I don't even own the situation. I just own the scribbles.
Warnings: More-than-implied sexual situation
Notes: Mostly done in oC, with text and speech bubbles added in Photoshop. Remus' dialogue is paraphrasing lines from the fic. Cut text is a direct quote from the fic.

With a quiet sigh, Remus gazed into the depths of the goblet, wrinkling his nose at the pungent scent of the potion. )
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