The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 19th, 2008

April 19th, 2008

Lusty Month of May is nearly here!

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Starting on May 1, [info]pervy_werewolf will be hosting its Fifth Annual Lusty Month of May Challenge! We usually get a fair bit of RL/SS each year, so I hope members of this community will consider participating (it's only 500 words or a drawble a day - a mere trifle!) or following along and encouraging the participants.

The full rules will be posted closer to the start of the challenge, but this post will give new people who haven't been around for previous LMOM challenges an idea of what to expect.

Basically, it's a full month of Remus-centric smut, which is something many of us are in favor of, right? ;)
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