The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 13th, 2008

April 13th, 2008

Beta-reading anyone?

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Anyone feel as though they could beta-read over the next week or so?  No particular hurry.  It's a Remus/Severus/Draco, with Remus/Severus as the primary long-established relationship gradually allowing Draco into their lives, about ~9000 words. Post-war AU - No chan/underage involved

Warning - there's past (off-screen - not directly shown, only referred to) extensive rape/torture.  Other than that, it's m/m sex, nothing too extraordinary, with a bit of voyeurism, and a little hurt/comfort.

Ideally, someone to look over grammar, especially punctuation, and also to check that the plot structure makes sense.  And to watch characterization - ie make sure Snape is snarky enough.
ETA - found someone at LJ's hp_betas - thanks anyway!
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