The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

February 29th, 2008

February 29th, 2008

Mod Post: Family Fest!

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Ok, need to make this quick - Through March and into April, we're holding a Family Fest (Fantasy Fest will be back this summer).

Family Fest is designed to inspire creators to produce pieces involving family - be it children (adoptive or otherwise), parents, uncles, aunts, long-lost brothers or sisters, surprise relations (DDore is Snape's cousin?), etc. The idea is to dig in and really explore the relationships Snape and Lupin can have with others as well as their own relationship.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. I have screened comments on this post. Unlike the Fantasy fest, Family Fest is meant for pure inspiration and a celebration of family-based creations. If you have any ideas for Family Fest, please reply. I'll compile a list and post it next week for creators to use as inspiration. Your ideas, however, must be given freely; there is not going to be a reveal of who gave what idea. There's been plenty of giftings and exchanges lately, and this time, I thought it would be nice if creators could work without the added pressure of tailoring a gift. To that end, your prompts can be simple, such as "Snape has a brother" or "Remus' mother wants to meet Severus."

So, please reply with as many ideas as you like, or as often as you have ideas. Comments are screened, only moderators will be able to see them. Next week, I'll put up the list of prompts and the creators will be able to use the list for as much or as little inspiration as they like!

Thanks everyone, and sorry this was so rushed, but even with a whole extra day in the year, there's never enough time. *wink* Happy Leap Year - I hope you all do something exciting today!

love, lore

Trading Places Challenge Fic: Hen Party 2/3

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Title: Hen Party (Part 2 of 3)
For: Trading Places Challenge, for [info]nepenth's lovely art At Lily's Bachelorette Party, '79
Rating: PG or PG13 (this part; eventual R or NC17)
Warnings: Seriously AU ("Voldemort? Voldemort who?"; plus, Snape and Lily obviously recovered from the 'Snape's Worse Memory' fiasco.) Also, implications of (very mild) het.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it isn't mine, it's JKR's. This is for entertainment purposes only, no profit is being made or sought.
Word Count (this part): 2,029
Author's Notes: I regret that this is so late -- not to mention in pieces -- but I lost a whole week to a wretched cold. Expect the last part to be posted in the next few days. I hope this does some small justice to [info]nepenth's adorable art. Also, many thanks to the good people over at LJ's [info]hp_britglish community for lots of info on the customs for 'Hen Parties' (as they told me bachelorette parties are called in the UK), music and drinks of the day, and various other bits of essential info. I hope I got it mostly right.

Part 1 (in case you missed it)

Hen Party -- Part 2 )
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