The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 19th, 2008

January 19th, 2008

Trading Places Art for Bluestocking79

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Title: Cocoa Goodness
Artist: [info]karasu_hime
Rating: G
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Challenge: Trading Places
Notes: For [info]bluestocking79's drabble Snow Day

Art here )

TRADING PLACES CHALLENGE story: Oh Bugger NC-17 at "bymoonlight"

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I saw Scribbulus_ink's announcement of her Trading Places Challenge story here, and thought it a marvelous idea.

I completed my story Oh Bugger written to accompany [info]fanlay's beautiful art and posted it at [info]bymoonlight as it was rated NC-17.

TRADING PLACES: Slight Adjustments, G

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Title: Slight Adjustments
Author/Artist: [info]lyntek
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/character(s): Lupin/Snape, but just Snape in the art ^^;
Challenge: Trading Places
Summary: inspired by Jules Noctambule's gorgeous Snupin fic "The High Cost of Living" (lovelovelove the fic). Snape mid-transformation, right before the Ministry event. I hope Jules likes it ♥ Thanks muchly to [info]summerbreeze21 for the art beta XD
Disclaimer: Harry Potter (and all references thereof) © J.K. Rowling

On to the artwork... )

FIC: Dangerous People, Pt. 7, PG

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Title: Dangerous People, Pt. 7 : Interview Questions / Hard to be human again
Author: EveCat
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape

NotesSort of AU, post-war. Snape and Lupin are in Chicago working respectively in a potions lab and in a cafeteria.
I've moved this over to Insane Journal, and here is a link.

Request for Skitty_skat

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Skitty, can you rescan the Regency snupin pic in a higher resolution? I have a surprise plan in mind to go with your trading spaces fic!

(Sorry if this be too off-topic, lore)

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Title: Another Kind of Fandom Wank
Artist: Cherry ([info]julythirtyfirst)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Challenge: Trading Places
Summary: Art for [info]scribbulus_ink and [info]arionrhod's Another Kind of Fandom Wank. I used the same title since what I drew sort of became like a title picture. :P This fic is one of my personal favorites, so I hope the art suits.

I suppose then that I am safe in admitting I have a preference for dark hair, especially worn long... )


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I'm hanging out in the chat room tonight. Anyone up for semi-official chat? I'll be doing other things on the side, so this is not official chat by any means. But, you and Snupin! eeee! ;)

love, lore
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