The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 29th, 2007

December 29th, 2007

Art: "Homecoming", for osmalic

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Homecoming, for [info]osmalic
Rated: NWS
Summary: Remus has been waiting (and worrying) a long time for Severus to report back from his latest summons...
Notes: the prompt was "Remus buggering/kissing Severus against a window/transparent shower curtain/anything transparent. (And if you can make icons, icons too, but not necessary. I just realized I have no RL/SS icon.)"

Recs Reminder

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This will be the last reminder that if you have recced any Snupin Santa fest gifts, I'm still collecting them HERE. You have until the big reveal on January 5 to get your recs in; after that, I won't be keeping up any longer.

We've had several fest pieces qualify for the newsletter's Hot Rec/Hot Art section, and for those of you who might not be familiar with it, the Snitch (LJ here, IJ here) is a general HP fandom newsletter with a readership of over 5200 on Livejournal, which means your recs have brought the fest and our writers/artists to a much wider audience. Thank you!

Fic: "This Is the Night When the World Begins Again", for innerslytherin

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This Is the Night When the World Begins Again, for [info]innerslytherin
Rated: NC17
Summary: After the war, Severus wants proof he's still alive.
Word count: ~3600

Graphics: icons & banners for shanti_writes

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Icons and banners, for [info]shanti_writes
Rated: work safe
Summary: Icons and banners featuring Goran and Sean.

Fic: "Ebb", for rossana

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Ebb, for [info]rossana
Rated: R
Summary: I hope you like it. Happy Snupin Santa!
Warnings: a bit of language, sexual scenes (not too graphic), slightly-dark!fic, character death
Word count: ~2200
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