The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 26th, 2007

December 26th, 2007

Fic: "Doing the Right Thing", for iheartbowie

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Doing the Right Thing, for [info]iheartbowie
Rated: PG
Summary: It's the summer hols, and Remus runs into Snape in the least expected place.
Word count: ~7200
Notes: This is based on iheartbowie's request for a fic inspired by the song "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman. This may or may not exactly be what she wanted, but I hope she enjoys it.

Christmas Surprise for McKay

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I don't know how you get done all the things you do. I'm pretty amazed! Way to be. Don't let situations get you down.

Here's some crossdressing!Snape and a snow wolf!Remus. We appreciate everything you do, so, so much.

A Cowboy Christmas Surprise for McKay

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McKay, you do so much work on the Snupin Santa fest and elsewhere, and I know things are rough right now. Thank you so much for all the hard work. Here's a little belated Christmas present to brighten your day.

Title: A Cowboy Christmas
Author: Rosy
Rated: We'll jingle your bells and stuff your stocking. ^_~
Warnings: Cross dressing, wall sex, AU
Notes: From the same AUverse as Hang 'em High, only this time with FISHNETS!!

Follow the fake link to [info]bymoonlight. Remember! You need to be signed in and a member of the comm to see it!

Fic: "The Art of Dog-Keeping", for brunaghot

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The Art of Dog-Keeping, for [info]brunaghot
Rated: NC17
Summary: They say once you feed a stray dog, it always comes back for more. Severus Snape is going to find out just how true that is.
Warning: mpreg
Word count: ~21,000
Notes: Past Remus/Tonks, implied Harry/Draco. DH-compliant but ignores the epilogue.

Happy holidays, brunaghot! I liked all your prompts, so I tried to include them all in my gift, and I sort of managed it. Sorry, I didn’t have the time to make a drawing for the second one! Huge thanks to all my betas (you know who you are) and the amazing Brit-picker for making this story readable, for the support and the useful suggestions. All the remaining mistakes are mine and mine alone.

Art: "Keep Moving", for marauderswolf

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Keep Moving, for [info]marauderswolf
Rated: work safe
Summary: An illustration based on marauderswolf's fic, Keep Moving.
Notes: Thank you to a great many people, who, for obvious reasons, cannot be named at this time. ;)
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