The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 7th, 2007

November 7th, 2007

Mod Post: November challenge, various requests and updates

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Hey gang! Welcome to November, the month of desperate exchange production, NaNoBloPoLoDeeDoh and illness from the changing of the seasons. Since we're all pretty darn busy this month, our challenge is one designed for fun and procrastination. November is....

Meta Month!

Wait, what's Meta, you ask? Normally, meta is defined as "self-referential; referring to itself or its characteristics" - for example, a movie within a movie, or a book about writing. For our purposes, Meta is any discussion of the Snape/Lupin pairing, issues around writing or drawing for Snupin, and then other fun discussion or search posts we might think up.

Anyone can post a discussion post this month. Actually, anyone can post discussion at any time, but I am saying discussion is especially encouraged this month. Essays would also be very welcome for this challenge - it doesn't have to be long to be an essay. If you are feeling creative, you can also try to write meta stories or drabbles, create meta drawings/icons/photomanips, or attempt any other creative pursuit you can think of that you can bring meta to.

If you need any examples, a meta story might involve Snape and Lupin being aware they're in a story, or aware of the author or that they are enacting cliches. Meta art could be a piece where Snape and Lupin are half naked and trying to cover themselves as they stare out at the "audience" in horror. And icons, well! They can have Snupin-related sayings (isn't Nom nom nom popular in the chat room), or lines of dialog that is meta. For example, a meta icon might say: Snupin - Mating for Life since 2003! If you'd like to make a post looking for ideas, please feel free!

Deadline for this challenge is November 30! I hope everyone will feel free to participate in the discussions and activities that interest them. To get us started, I offer up links to two of my recent journal posts that address Snape/Lupin: Snupin in 10 years and Genderswitch/fuck in Snupin.

And a challenge to get us started: Link us to some art or stories that you think are Meta in reply here.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Resurrection Fest! I think we showed 'em that a little thing like probable deaths can't keep a good ship down. *grin* We'll have a master list in a few days. And, as always, if you're running behind on a challenge, don't give up. Late posts are welcome, always, and can even be added to the master lists as long as you're willing to reply to the list with links.

A reminder: The sidebar and profile/info page for the community hold a wealth of information and resources. I've been getting a lot of questions lately where the answers are right there for the taking. Please try to make use of these sources whenever you can. And, as always, suggestions on how to improve or add to them are more than welcome (sekrit message: Os, we're going to redo that one thread as part of Meta month).

Request for Help: [info]innerslytherin is looking for a native French speaker to help her translate some lines for her fiction into proper French. If you can help her out, please contact her or reply here. She wanted me to ask in case others were looking for similar help. For that matter, anyone who is willing to help authors and artists with any language, a reply here with the language you can work with would be welcome.

Authors and Artists, please take notice: You might want to go through your fiction or art and gather up permanent links to 3 - 5 pieces you might want to put into a future art/fiction exchange. I am giving plenty of advance warning so if anyone wants to do some organizing before we start the exchange, like uploading drawings or reformatting fic, they will have time to get those works "settled" online.

If one of the mods on either LJ or IJ see this post and wants to update the info page with the new challenge, please feel free to go ahead and do it. Otherwise, this bit serves as a reminder to me to do it. heh. (bad mod here's more notes to self: comfort, friending, beta, collaborating, pictures, artists, canon list)

I'm sure there's more, but for now, good luck to all you frantic writers and artists out there (myself included)! I'll be back in a couple days with some meta and fun! *HUGS GROUP*

love, lore
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