Lunar Cry : A Post-Apocalyptic Final Fantasy Game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Lunar Cry : A Post-Apocalyptic Final Fantasy Game

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EVENT [14 Nov 2014|12:05am]

Today marks the start of Balamb Days, a yearly festival in the town of Balamb. The middle weekend of November is always set aside for Harvest-themed festivities, but this year things are extra special. Balamb's population has hit the 5,000 mark, and town officials have really gone all out. The roads are full of vendors, games, and even street musicians or the occasional chocobo ride!

Festival-goers are encouraged to pitch in with decorating the town, with prizes occasionally being awarded for most festive displays. Best yet, it's a three-day weekend! No school on Monday! On Saturday, a pumpkin-themed bake-off is held in the town square. On Monday, the festival officially comes to close just outside of town with the Great Pumpkin Chuck!

Deliveries [14 Nov 2014|05:40pm]
To Ms Selphie Tilmitt )

To Ms Beatrix Alexander )

To Mr Seifer Almasy, Esq )

[14 Nov 2014|05:56pm]
Who: Lulu
What: Hunting
Where:Great Plains of Esthar
When: Backdated to Sunday, November 9
Warning: Language, Violence.

It was time for action. )

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