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[12 Feb 2011|09:05pm]
Hi okay this is Eliza ♥- I am bringing one more character to the table because Noah is a cat and Anna is so effing loud and I need some normalcy. SO this is Oliver, a depressed, odd looking kid who works at McDonald's and has a bearded dragon and does jigsaw puzzles in his spare time.

Yeah it's... pretty much what it sounds like. u_u He doesn't really get out much and he's very introverted; listens to too much AFI and smells kind of weird and doesn't go to school and and and he's really sweet I promise D: Just. Lonely.

Oli's 23 and lives by himself in the ghetto (you east coast people won't think it's really the ghetto but man, for over here it freaking is). He's got an older bossy sister, awesome mom, shit dad, and an absentee best friend. All he wants right now is a paycheck and his computer and he'd like friends but he's not expecting them. Online he's way more confident than he is IRL.

Pretty much he's Eeyore. He'll listen to all your problems but won't tell you his back.

It is worth noting that I have never had three characters at once before. :I So. We. Will have to see how this goes laksjf
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[12 Feb 2011|10:33pm]
TWO NEW CHARACTERS IN ONE NIGHT--gasp, shock, etc, etc. Anyway, hi, this is Chels, who is bringing you moar azns aka Daniel Choi, grumpy police officer who also secretly likes Hello Kitty.

Daniel is a 25 year old Korean-American dude who has been in the police force ever since he was 18 and lives in the International District. He's currently a sergeant and was recently transferred to the Homicides Department in SPD (so he's kinda like a junior junior detective), so to say, Celestians, he will be all up in your srz business, so you better watch it. Like I said before, he's kind of a grumpy fellow (don't let the icon fool you!), if only because he grew up in with a verbally abusive dad who only died a couple years back, so he's got a lot of anger and bottled up resentment. He would never, ever project it onto people though, because that is essentially doing the same thing his dad to his mom and him, so that would never happen. u_u

ANYWAY what else...oh, well, yeah, he secretly likes Hello Kitty and all cute things, but would rather gouge out his eyes than to reveal that to anyone. Oh and his mom also relapsed into cancer and he is a totally momma's boy (not in the Cassidy sense), so there's that. Over all, he's kind of chill, if only because not much things in life surprise him anymore, and even if he's neutral face is :|, he's not a douche. HONEST. Some people just need to learn how to handle the truth, k.

He needs almost anything: friends, enemies, people annoyed that he caught them jaywalking, etc. He does regularly go to a bar to drink really bad beer after his shift is over, SO BAR BUDDIES? Anything like that. Also is this post even coherent I feel like I just vomited words out.
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on dropping and not being active [12 Feb 2011|11:04pm]
So I'm pretty sure Nora's already been cut because of activity, so I'm taking this moment to bow out of the game. And I'm also kicking myself for it... because the premise and organization of this game is superb... not to mention all of the cool people I met and now have to leave.

It's nothing personal, it's just me and my slowness, plus I'm not very good with OC's.... apparently even in an AU Sailor Moon game.

I might show up again when I feel less like a sissy >< but I'll certainly be stalking the game. Because <333 you all.

Thanks for the short but very fun time we had together

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