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[24 Jan 2011|09:00am]
Breaking News for January 24th. )
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Hello! [24 Jan 2011|05:47pm]
Good evening everyone, my name is Gen. I started getting into Sailor Moon was I was fairly young, began drawing pictures of myself and my friends as Senshi, and it's all history from there. It wasn't until about two years ago that I was able to find the original Japanese episodes, which got me right back into the fandom. I'm about to turn 21, and head off to my first year in college. Despite being a huge Sailor Moon fan, I actually don't like too many animes. Sailor Moon is just special like that. If you're ever wanting to chat, plot, or whatever, just contact me over aim at ShayKenobi or my email,

But forget about me. This is Charlie Lance, and you can read everything about her in the journal. She's cynical, bitchy, and rebellious. She's also homeless, a highschool drop out, been arrested, and carries around a pocket knife. She may be a good person beneath it all, but you can't show kindness on the streets without being eaten alive. She's a thief and will lie her ass off to avoid getting in trouble--and she's quite good at it.

So I wanna hear any plots, ideas, or whatever you have to share. I'm excited to be in this community, as I've been looking for a good Sailor Moon RP for a very long time. I hope to have a lot of fun here with you guys.
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