April 15th, 2011

[info]effingpsycho in [info]luciferooc


I hate going first! I always feel awkward for some reason...

I’m Bridget. I’ll be playing Arriane Alter in this game. Arriane is a very, very old fallen angel from the Fallen books. She’s often sort of morally ambiguous, having friends on both sides of the battle. I somehow picture her choosing the side of good, endgame. Compared to Supernatural angels, she is not as strong. She is physically strong and heals quickly, but aside from some very minor telekinesis she doesn’t have any special powers. What she does have is a pair of wings that can slip into a hiding place underneath the flesh of her back. Also on her back is a scar that will never heal from Hellfire. She doesn’t like to talk about it. Arriane likes to gamble and let loose, but she can get serious when the situation calls for it. She is protective of those she cares about and isn’t afraid to come to blows in their defense.

Plots? Ideas? Random comments? Put ‘em here! :D

[info]lonely_girl in [info]luciferooc


Hey there, so I'm doing the whole intro thing! I'm Victoria and I have this lovely lady, Ms. Cordelia Chase, and Ms. Elena Gilbert to bring to you all! I'm pretty much up for anything with anyone, best part of a multifandom game right? If anyone has plottage they want or anything you can find me usually online at trixxyvictoria on AIM. I also have a contact post for each of my ladies up and Elena is at [info]destined2die. Hmm background. . . . I've been writing for nearly twenty years, Angel is a fave and I've done some fan fic on it and all that good stuff. Just got into TVD in the last few months, finally caught up, woot! I'm a big fan of making things work as you go so as long as the writing chemistry is there and that, not one of those people that has to stick to canon on things! Well anything else just ask!

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