November 8th, 2008

[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

Nano Day 8: Rules

So Fenris threw me at these last night, Which is handy because now I can write a drabble or something that shows each rule. (And I really wait to find out how Fenris learned the Cat ones, *Glances at Brigit, who looks Innocent*)

Also: I treated myself to some icons since I went 1000 over the daily target. XD
And I've finally clicked when it comes to Jonah! (Finally it was getting to the point where I was going to kill him no matter how much it mucks up the plot)

Ten Rules for Running a Mixed Species Pack )

Nott's reply:

Ten Rules for Surviving a Mixed Species Pack  )

I've done a couple of these now. I think these two are the funnest:
Never ever Let a Wolf Get Bored. )
Never ever Ever let a Wolf Get Bored )

Now I just have to come up with a thrid part *ponders*