August 29th, 2008

[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

You know something's odd when even the chocobos freak out.

Okay, in Touching Immortality (Also known as the Ded Fic) Vincent has to chocobos, A green called Eko and a black called Revenant, between FVII and FFVII AC while Revenant was still growing Vincent spent time in the wildes trying to gain control over his limits. Clearly this is one of the times he failed, kinda. (Oh and this is all [info]stopthatgirl7's fault.)

This snipit brought to you by the letter C )

[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

Touching Immortality : Meteorfall (Also known as Ded Fic 1)

part 1 )
Part 2 )