July 24th, 2008

[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

Dear Muse

Dear Nott.

No. No no no, and once more for clarity NO.

You do not get to spring on me that you have a brother. Particually a brother who had already left the complex when Genesis happened.

This means world building! RC was meant to be world building free. No I have to figure out where the heck he was sent and what's he doing now.

And a name! Damn it I have to find his name.


[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

That's it

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
37,279 / 50,000

Sacrifice is dead. I can't get another word out of it. And the TCoLg muses are refusing to cut their haitus short.



... ... ...

*Diggs out Genesis and starts rewritting it as a comic strip*