June 23rd, 2007

[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

I just found this on OPY100 and relised I never saved it any where else, so here it is for safe keeping ^_^

Title: Coffin
Topic: Off topic
Word Count: 258
Rating: G
Pairing: Zoro and Sanji are both in it.
Notes: It sucks, it’s off topic, and it has a topless Zoro so it’s not all bad.

[info]kitsune_wolf in [info]lucid_daydreams

Title: Precious Treasure.
Rating: Pg
Word Count: 192
Pairing: Zoro/Wadou Ichimonji, Luffy/Zoro
Topic: Too Easy
Notes: Was meant be one thing and changed into another, still fits under the topic though so I hope you like it.

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