Sacrificed Love - December 23rd, 2012
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]love_sacrificed (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2012-12-23 09:40
Subject: Fic: A Small Reprieve (Avengers)
Security: Public
Tags:!fic, fandom: avengers, pairing: steve/tony

Title: A Small Reprieve
Author: JE / [info]immortalje
Pairing: Tony/Steve
Summary: After months of trying to fight the Chitauri that had successfully taken over earth and with Christmas coming up, Steve decides that they need a little break. Even if it was just for one night.
Rating: Gen / PG-13
Words: ~3,900
Beta: [info]dani_meows
Prompt: This was written for the avengers_xchng on Livejournal as a gift for le_prince_lutin who wanted:
Post-apocalyptic or dystopian setting where Chitauri conquered Earth. Maybe combined with another trope? Heist? They're in SHIELD underground bunker and driving each other nuts? They operate a restaurant/shelter for New Yorkers? They're heading a rebellion while masquerading as a theater troupe/circus? They meet each other again (after separation) in a Hunger Games-style arena because the Chitauri want all of Earth to despair as the captured leaders of various revolutionary groups (or just superheroes, as figures of hope and uprising) kill each other?
A/N: It was struggling more with this prompt than I initially anticipated, but I hope that you like it anyway! I tried to balance all of their different backgrounds by presenting various ways to celebrate. I also hope nobody minds that I made Bruce Jewish to represent more than just Christmas.
This is also my first Avengers story and I hope that I managed to get the voice of the characters!
Other Locations: A03 | Livejournal

A Small Reprieve )

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