Sacrificed Love - May 13th, 2010
my journal

immortalje posting in JE's Creative Works
User: [info]love_sacrificed (posted by [info]immortalje)
Date: 2010-05-13 13:57
Subject: Skins20in20 - Emily
Security: Public
Tags:!art, art: icons, fandom: skins, icons: 20in20

This was one frustrating challenge: There were so many prompts where I ended up not liking my original scene idea once I had found the screencaps for it, either because it just didn't do it for me or because the screencaps weren't too good because there had been too much motion making things too blurry.

Not to mention how often I got distracted by perfect screencaps for the others (especially Effy) - and naturally, I didn't even save those when I reminded myself I should stay focused on Emily.

However, there was plenty of experimenting done this time. Not all of them are my usual style or what I would like, but I found myself wanting to try them out.

Either way, 2/5 20in20s this months done... and plenty of university stuff left to do. I really had hoped to be done with them by now so I could spend this long weekend on university stuff I've left slacking otherwise since my head was spinning too much from all the lectures.

Artist: JE / [info]immortalje
1. Don't hotlink;
2. Please comment when you take one of them or simply to say you like them or not;
3. Credit? Yes, please do. It's not mandatory BUT very much appreciated;
4. Textless icons are NOT bases.
Credit: Credits for the resources I used to make these icons can be found on here.


click here for 20 + 7 icons )

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