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Lottery Plot

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[02 Jul 2013|03:07am]
Evening loves, Alus here. I've a proposition for you all. A character in fact. This here is Kostya. A Summer Fae Prince. A very odd sort in fact, a late bloomer you might say, born in autumn, and as a result he's the black sheep of the family. His mother is a bit of a darker sort and so his tendencies are more along those lines instead of all the lovely light summer things. Le sigh. Completed part is there. I have yet to complete his history, as he's a part of a whole big epic plot THING that's being worked on but I have so much of him done I wanted to pitch the youngin' out there and see if I couldn't get some things brewing within the game already? I know there is one Royal Guard in game *cough* Cam *cough* and Kostya NEEDS one. Relatives. Friends? Enemies? Persons of interest? Ideas you may have?

Lay them on me.

talondalus @ gmail . com / essentially resplendent AIM * I'm around ya'll

DEUCES :3 <3
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