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signups are closed [Aug. 17th, 2007|08:22 pm]


Thank you for signing up! If you have not received a reply to your signup, please let me know ASAP, as I should have answered everyone, either in a reply to your comment, or email from lotrips remix @ gmail.com. I'm about to start rolling the dice but want to be sure I have everyone!
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Lotrips Remix sign-ups deadline is August 15 [Aug. 10th, 2007|08:04 pm]


Sign-ups are trickling in, and we'd love to have more. We promise not to bite, and to find betas and hold your hand if things are going pear-shaped.

In fact cupidsbow has a fantastic post on the process of remixing that should give everyone confidence that they can discover a new take on an old story.

So read the rules and sign up. You can send email to lotrips.remix at gmail, or just copy and paste the information inside the form and leave it as a comment to this post.

Looking forward to seeing your messages!

(crossposted to InsaneJournal, GreatestJournal and LiveJournal lotrips_remix communities)
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