Lord of the Rings - Real People Stories' Journal
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Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

    Time Event
    New LOTRIPS, week of Sept. 20-26

    As of this week, [info]feelforfaith is on board, so I don't get burned out trying to find and check every fic. She's a darling and a good programmer who's going to make it much easier to compile these listings, yay!

    As for the poll, voting has ended, we will be including ratings (as assigned by the authors) and the occasional [unedited] warning. We will not include links to locked fic unless it's in an easy-to-join community or easy-friending fic journal.

    PLEASE, if you post or find fic somewhere obscure, away from the main communities, leave a comment in this journal! Don't be shy, give us links and we'll be happy to include them on the list. It's an attempt to make a comprehensive list of LOTR RPS, all pairings, all ratings. We'll take all the help we can get!

    48 fics, both new and new chapters of WIPs )

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