'Lord of the Rings' in 100 words

January 6th, 2008

'Lord of the Rings' in 100 words


January 6th, 2008

ADMIN: Welcome Post

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Because every new community needs one, and I'm about to start promoting. So welcome to everyone already here, as well as those of you still blissfully unaware of our existence!

I cringe a bit at bios, so I'll just briefly say that I was once quite active in the LOTR fandom, until I was gobbled up by the 'other' wizards. However, there's just something about actually living in Middle Earth that doesn't allow you to quite forget it. And some loves never die *sniff* so here I am again, hoping to be part of giving the fandom a bit more of a foothold on IJ. After all, even the most turtle-like LOTR fan is bound to notice eventually that certain blogging locales have fallen victim to the One Ring.

As for my own writing - I'm quite firmly entrenched in slash, but the occasional foray into gen and het do occur. My OTP is Boromir/Faramir, no contest, and I'm quite in love with Celeborn and Haldir; one of these days, I'll even get them together. But I'm very fond of a lot of LOTR characters, so all manner of cross-pollination can happen.
As evidenced by my fandom output thus far, to be found here.

Anyway, have fun. Multiply. Respond to challenges. Leave feedback. And tell me if you're dying to see some prompt or other, or if you have questions or problems posting.

Feel free to comment with an intro, if you're so inclined. If you've written LOTR fic in the past, let us know where to find it. Pimp us to your flist. (Working on some mini banners now.) And start posting just as soon as you like. Btw, if you're sure you're going to be contributing drabbles, let me know, and I'll add an author tag for you in advance. Please do use the tags, because once we really get going, it'll be smashing to browse the place by favourite pairing, character or author, won't it?

Boromir/Faramir, multiple

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Author: Deanna
Pairing/Characters: Boromir/Faramir
Notes: written for my [info]50_drabbles prompt table for this pairing
Disclaimer: J.R.R. Tolkien and his heirs, as well as New Line Cinema and other parties, own all that is "Lord of the Rings". No money is made, and no rights are claimed, by the author of this drabble.

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