Lost In The Magic

User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-10-03 09:45
Subject: Narcissa/Bill: Adaptation - 1/?
Security: Public
Tags:adaptation, any age, character: bill weasley, character: narcissa malfoy, hp:fic, ship: narcissa/bill

Title: Adaptation
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Any Age
Pairing: Narcissa/Bill
Summary: "We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
A/N: For [info]milynee. ♥ An early birthday present! I just couldn't wait. November is much too far away. -hugs-
Deathly Hallows: Not really relevant, since it's set then, and some things don't happen. Also, I can't really remember little things, so other than some people still being alive, and other little bits, not really compliant at all.

Adaptation - Part One )

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October 2007