Lost In The Magic

User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-10-03 09:52
Subject: Pansy/Fred: Taking it Easy - 1/1
Security: Public
Tags:any age, character: fred weasley, character: pansy parkinson, hp:fic, ship: pansy/fred

Title: Taking It Easy
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Slight Teen
Summary: That covered boredom, but it was no cure for loneliness.
Pairing: Pansy/Fred
Deathly Hallows: Tweaked, I exchanged someone. If I met JK a year ago, I would have begged on hands & knees for it.

Taking It Easy )

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User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-10-03 09:45
Subject: Narcissa/Bill: Adaptation - 1/?
Security: Public
Tags:adaptation, any age, character: bill weasley, character: narcissa malfoy, hp:fic, ship: narcissa/bill

Title: Adaptation
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Any Age
Pairing: Narcissa/Bill
Summary: "We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
A/N: For [info]milynee. ♥ An early birthday present! I just couldn't wait. November is much too far away. -hugs-
Deathly Hallows: Not really relevant, since it's set then, and some things don't happen. Also, I can't really remember little things, so other than some people still being alive, and other little bits, not really compliant at all.

Adaptation - Part One )

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User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-08-23 12:39
Subject: Gen Fic: Closure - 1/1
Security: Public
Tags:any age, draco/hermione, hermione:gen, hp:fic

Title: Closure
Author: mandy-jg
Rating: PG13
Characters: Hermione Granger, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Warnings: None, vague(ish) mentions of previous Character Death.
Summary: The war is over, the fallen farewelled, but not everything is buried.
A/N: For [info]hp_summergen, written before Deathly Hallows, so no spoilers whatsoever. Thanks to [info]kazfeist for her wonderful help, and [info]milynee. ♥

Closure )

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User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-08-20 23:06
Subject: Neville/Luna: A Moment In The Sun
Security: Public
Music:22 steps damien leith
Tags:any age, hp:fic, neville/luna

Title: A Moment In The Sun
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Any Age
Summary: "I like you Neville Longbottom."
Pairing: Neville/Luna
A/N: For the "Wands of the Woods" Challenge at [info]govt_stole_toad, nearly actually forgot my wood. "Rowan". And once again proving that endings hate me. And SPOILERS for DH. Not big ones, but they are there.

A Moment In The Sun )

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User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-08-18 15:02
Subject: Fred/Hermione: Happy Ending - 1/1
Security: Public
Tags:any age, fred/hermione, hp:fic

Title: Happy Ending
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Any Age
Summary: And they sat there together, huddled against the cold wind, together, saying farewell the somewhat carefree days that were no longer.
Pairing: Fred/Hermione
A/N: Compliant to canon up till Deathly Hallows, and then it takes a giant turn, while yelling "bugger you" to canon. So, AU to DH. *giggles*

Happy Ending )

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User: [info]mandy_jg
Date: 2007-08-08 13:15
Subject: Harry/Hermione: Home - 1/1
Security: Public
Tags:harry/hermione, hp:fic, teen

Title: Home
By: mandy-jg
Rating: Light R
Warnings: None.
Notes: Back-up fic for hghpficexchange @ lj. Written post-DH. But it has absolutely no spoilers, it's set before the great hunt. Thanks to a pinkwands for the speedy beta, and telling me that it's not crap!
Summary: This however, it was like coming home.

Home )

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my journal
October 2007