Lost Generation :: A Marauders Era RPG's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Lost Generation :: A Marauders Era RPG

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[03 Feb 2008|04:59pm]

Who: Lily and Snape (Will be open to more in a bit, though)
Where: Hogwarts Express
When: Shortly after 11 o’clock
Rating: PG or possibly PG-13 as there might be some very mild profanity

Once there was a way to get back homeward... )
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[02 Feb 2008|10:41pm]
Who: All Hogwarts Students
Where: The Hogwarts Express
When: September 1st, 1976

All Aboard )
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[20 Jan 2008|11:22pm]
Who: Marlie & Sirius
Where: Broom Shop
When: Midday
Rating: PG (for now)

Marlie had finally managed to get away from her mother.... )
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