Lost Fables: The Out Of Character Community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Lost Fables: The Out Of Character Community

Lost Fables

An OC-style fable game based in California.
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Friend Button Time! [01 Dec 2013|12:54pm]
Hey al! Run the Friend Button to add in Beck's newest character, Renata Gonzalo, aka Rapunzel!

Weather Forecast 12/01-12/06 [01 Dec 2013|06:48pm]
Okay. I'm trying my third different type of weather update. The widget I had wasn't extremely accurate, and it was a little confusing, and the table of previous posts takes too long. This is a 5 day weather forecast, and it's a screenshot of the weather app I have on my computer. There is both daytime, and night time weather listed.

Weather Below )

[ viewing | December 1st, 2013 ]
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