Lost City Found - April 26th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Lost City Found

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April 26th, 2008

Being Merry, but failing miserably .... [Apr. 26th, 2008|06:44 pm]
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Who: AU!Todd, AU!Schorin, AU!Weir, AU!McKay, Merry Miller, Rakka, Open (to AU versions of characters)
What: Merry and Rakka's story, the lead-up to her time-and-space travel and her arrival in our own Atlantis
Where: The home of president Elizabeth Weir, city of Earthbridge, on the mainland of Neo Alterra, and the City of Atlantis, also on Neo Alterra
When: January 21st, 2034 -- 8:30 PM Atlantis Standard Time
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete

(( OOC: Merry is McKay's niece Madison, from another time and dimension, and Rakka is her large, wolf-like companion. In her dimension, the Wraith, upon Sheppard & crew's arrival, were divided on the issue of feeding on humans, and Todd led the side that was against feeding. This thread will follow the events leading to how and why she ends up in the game's Atlantis. Anyone is welcome to play the future, AU versions of themselves -- just keep in mind the differences in how the whole Wraith thing went down, and how that would affect the character's backstory in this other dimension. :) ))

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