June 2nd, 2014

[info]princeinsolentx in [info]lostathogwarts

|[ WHO ]| : Lestat, open
|[ WHERE ]| : Library
|[ WHEN ]| : Evening, after the sun has set.
|[ WHAT ]| : Lestat is learning about the castle by reading books in the library.
|[ RATING ]| : Will decide later.
|[ STATUS ]| : Open.

The nice thing about being a vampire is that one absorbed knowledge easily )

[info]trust_and_rage in [info]lostathogwarts

Who: Loki and Hermoine
What: Talking
When: June 2 morning an hour after breakfast
Where: Great Hall
Warnings: probably low
Status: Ongoing

'It's been a long time since I watched from the stars / All the way down, as I travelled in time' -- Galactica by the Rockets )