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October 29th, 2014

[info]tinatakesall in [info]lostandfound_ic

Tuesday October 28th

Who: Tina and Arthur
What: Two guys doing stuff
Where: A pub in town someplace
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13/R for language
Status: In progress

When Tina showed up at Arthur's door, he was holding a pitiful looking bouquet of flowers. Well, they looked sort of like flowers. They were actually weeds from the plants outside that happened to have flower buds. But they were gathered in a tidy little bouquet, stems neatly trimmed and dirt brushed off the leaves so everything was green and pretty. He looked like a giant eighth grader trying to impress a girl for the dance. Which was exactly the sort of look he'd been going for.

When Arthur did answer the commanding knock Tina had rapped out with his clumsy knuckles, instead of speaking he merely thrust forth his floral offering. The grin he gave was half sincere, as though hopeful that Arthur would be impressed, and half knowing that he was behaving like a jackass and seemed damn proud of it.

[info]dellafae in [info]lostandfound_ic

October 31, Afternoon

Who: Della Kheelan and Simeon Kale
What: Prequel to Halloween Shenanigans, a demon and a faery make a date for a makeup party (re: this)
When: Friday afternoon, 10/31, a bit before the dance begins
Where: Sim's room, room 202
Warnings: Adorableness? PG/PG-13 maybe for language

And this is the red, orange, yellow flicker beat sparking up my heart. )